Blog crossborder transaction

[11]A Blueprint for a New BM :: admin head image
crossborder transaction

A Blueprint for a New BM

global business model - 글로벌 시너지 활용: 분산화되었지만 통합된 비즈니스 모델을 위한 청사진

Leveraging Global Synergy: A Blueprint for a Decentralized yet Unified Business Model


In an increasingly globalized world, businesses are exploring models that combine international reach with local expertise, offering an alternative to traditional structures like mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and franchises. Unlike M&A, which …

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[39]The Case of Naver and Line :: admin head image
crossborder transaction

The Case of Naver and Line

네이버와 라인의 사례: 디지털 시대의 법적 및 정치적 함의에 대한 비판적 분석

The Case of Naver and Line: A Critical Analysis of Legal and Political Implications in the Digital Era

Introduction: Recently, the widely popular messaging app Line, owned by the South Korean conglomerate Naver, has faced intense scrutiny following a significant security breach. This incident resulted …

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